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Blog #4 // New Partnership System


What is the system?

Our partnership system allows users to pick from 3 different plans. Basic, premium, and pro. Each providing more perks for you and your community. This partnership helps us reach more communities with the addition of providing perks to communities who are willing to help us. 

Terms of Service Updates

Because of the new system, we had to update and implement some new things in our Terms of Service page. As the premium and pro plan are locked behind a paywall, we want to take precaution. If a user tries to underpay or "scam" us out of the system, we are free to deny and refund said payment. 

How can I get started?

We suggest that you take a look at our partnership page here! If you find a plan you are interested in, feel free to DM devghostly or a partnership manager and we'll work things out from there.

Feel free to take a look at our new Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

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