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Blog #3 // Legal Document Changes


What Is Happening?

We've decided to update the information provided within both our Terms & Conditions page and our Privacy Policy page. With all the recent updates and changes to VerCord and our other services, we decided this was a needed update to ensure everyone using VerCord is safe and knows what we expect. 

Why Did You Update?

Most of what we changed were re-writing information with more detail, added minor guidelines to our Terms & Conditions page, explained more about our data / information collection, storing, and logging within our Privacy Policy page, and other minor small needed changes. Most of what was on our old documents are still present on these new documents but we've just re-written them to give you more details and clear info. 

Will I Need To Do Anything?

Nope, we do suggest you take a quick look at these new documents but if you decide not to, no big deal. 

Feel free to take a look at our new Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

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