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Blog #2 // Roblox Verification Update


What Is This Update?

We've decided to expand our verification systems and add a Roblox verification system. This will allow users to verify by connecting their Roblox account to VerCord. ( We do not store any personal information about your Roblox account )

How Does Verification Work?

When verifying through the Roblox system, we will ask you to input a code into your Roblox bio in which allows VerCord to recognize your account. We do this to make sure whoever is trying to verify has to prove they are the owner of said account. You are free to remove the code from your bio after connecting your Roblox account to VerCord. You can also unlink your account anytime by going through the verification system again. 

What Information Do You Store?

We don't store any information relating to your Roblox account. The only way we "connect" to your account is through the code being in your bio. We don't collect nor store any sensitive information about your accoun.t 

Need help setting up the new system? Feel free to run our /howtosetup command or contact us through our Discord server / contact email!

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