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VerCord Blogs

Find our official blogs about changes, updates, issues, and much more!

Our partnership system allows users to pick from 3 different plans. Basic, premium, and pro. Each providing more perks for you and your community. This partnership helps us reach more communities with the addition of providing perks to communities who are willing to help us.

We've decided to update the information provided within both our Terms & Conditions page and our Privacy Policy page. With all the recent updates and changes to VerCord and our other services, we decided this was a needed update to ensure everyone using VerCord is safe and knows what we expect.

We've decided to expand our verification systems and add a Roblox verification system. This will allow users to verify by connecting their Roblox account to VerCord. ( We do not store any personal information about your Roblox account )

We will use blogs for posting information about new updates, changes, issues, and more for you guys to read and look into. For example, if we change our legal documents, we will most likely provide a blog for you so you can find out what was changed.

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